How Progressive Is Digital Marketing Getting in 2016

Every year brings something new and unique that becomes a part of standard marketing tradition. The present-day world of online marketing is a compilation of traditional, offline strategies and cutting-edge innovations. With such marvelous growth in several areas of the IT-niche over the last few years, 2016 is expected to finally confirm some trends from 2015 as established marketing options. Of course, it will also launch some new tools and techniques. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride through marketing expectations for 2016.


Rising power of influencers

Today when you want to have your brand promoted or praised by a famous person, you can simply pay such a service. Of course, when we say “a famous person”, it refers to web influencers – people who have risen to prominence thanks to their interesting or influential careers in social media. While your clients and their opinion on your products should be the only relevant criterion for your work, getting a few positive remarks from influencers might be a shortcut to win the attention of the potential customers, as well. In 2016, it is expected that we will see the influencer-directed marketing in its full blossom. If you want to use such an opportunity for your business, check how much those people charge for their posts, in a text brought by LinkedIn.

Further personalization

Just a few years ago people on the web were all treated equally and marketing features like targeting and e-shopping were only at their beginnings. Today, however, digital marketers are doing their best to divide their target audience into as many little parts as possible. The point of such a detailed approach is to group people as precisely as possible, in accordance with their common online behavior and shopping preferences. By doing so, businesses and marketers will be able to address almost every single individual from such a group and offer them the items that they probably need at that moment. During that process, every marketer should pay attention to these marketing metrics.

Genuine marketing through virtual reality

Since 2016 is expected to be marked by a strong breakthrough of virtual reality onto the global market, it opens a whole new universe of marketing possibilities. Closely related to the personalized feature discussed in the previous paragraph, VR-sets should give birth to some genuinely innovative marketing trends. Just knowing that your target customers are surfing the web with their VR-device, isolated from the world, is enough to assume how large a potential this technology has for marketing experts. Curious readers and tech fans can learn more about this technology in a piece from Ad week magazine.

Connecting on several levels

Due to a growing need for stronger online connectivity, modern marketers are supposed to launch and run several strategies in completely different media at the same time. Such a multi-lane approach is a strenuous and challenging task if you do not know how to make the whole process easier. From this perspective, the most efficient way of simplifying those arduous multi-channel strategies is to divide them several different levels. By finding out more about multi-channel marketing and different ways of creating hierarchy that will lead to effective business performances, farsighted marketers could make 2016 become their year of success. Along that way they should use multi level marketing software tools, to help them shape and apply a comprehensive marketing agenda.


As it seem today, 2016 is not going to be a pivotal year for digital marketing, but it will have its share of intrigues. With the growing influence of social media and technological innovations, it will be more than interesting to look back at the year when it ends, to analyze all the changes that have been made in the world of marketing throughout 2016.

Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and regular contributor to Technivorz.

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